I am a body. Living, breathing, moving, and expressing my inner most self through the medium of dance. I see movement as a language of the soul. Every reach of the arm, every twist of the torso, and every bow of the head, creates a conversation between the universe and the galaxy within my inner most being. When my feet hit the marley, the grass, and even the kitchen floor, I create a sacred space for my body to explore all of its accessibility and limitations. I grant myself the permission to fail. I try this. “No, that doesn’t work. Let’s try something different, Kellyn.” I exterminate, regenerate, and let the process be. Granting myself the ability to fail, gifts me a deeper appreciation for when things work.
I am a story. As a human being, I have an unspoken narrative that continually dwells within me. This narrative begs to be heard, but not through words. My preferred medium of storytelling is through movement. I seek to create worlds and experiences, while stripping dance to the rawest of emotions. I create physical stories to challenge ill-fitting ideals, standards and preconceived notions that society commonly shares. I value the female body, focus on a meditative choreographic approach, and seek to create work that heals both audience and performer. I create movement because it is my voice, and this voice is stronger than any song I could sing or novel I could write. I yearn for connection. I aim for change.
I am a researcher. Between the simplicity of black and white, lies the mysterious shades of grey and every other color in which I want to reside. There is no right and wrong, and I seek to live in the investigation of the in-between. I research because I believe there is always more to be learned, in life and movement. I question as I orchestrate bodies like puppets on strings. I contradict as I order for alignment, then say “screw it” and release into gravity. I fluctuate as the process evolves, and don’t allow fear to have any say in what I manifest. I exist in the in-between on purpose with purpose. I never want to know how to do something perfectly or horribly wrong. I’m not interested in correct and incorrect. I want to play around in the “what in the world is this?” And see where this magic may lead me. I seek to always challenge my thought process, before allowing my work to become stale and stagnant. Creativity is a stream of running water. If there is no force behind it, no obstacles running through it, the water sits idly in a mucky puddle of gunk. Constantly challenging my own creative process, keeps my work fresh and alive. I don’t want to settle for murkiness. I want living waters. This is my kind of space.
I am many things, including a body, a story, and a creator in constant investigation. Movement is my language, my spirit is my narrative, and my body is my medium of communication. These connections drive my creative voice, and through them I share my heart with the world.